O1 Beginnings
1.1.1 Creation
1.1.2 God Creates People
1.1.3 People Sin
1.1.4 Cain and Abel
1.1.5 Noah, the Ark and the Flood
1.1.6 The Tower of Babel
1.1.7 Suffering of Job
1.2.1 Abram & Lot
1.2.2 God's Promise to Abram
1.2.3 Sodom and Gomorrah
1.2.4 Abraham and Isaac
1.2.5 Isaac & Rebekah
1.3.1 Jacob Tricks Esau and Isaac
1.3.2 Jacob's Dream
1.3.3 Laban Tricks Jacob
1.3.4 Jacob Wrestles God
1.4.1 Joseph the Brother
1.4.2 Joseph the Slave
1.4.3 Joseph the Prisoner
1.4.4 Joseph the Ruler
1.4.5 Joseph's Dream Fulfilled
O2 Exodus
2.1.1 Baby Moses
2.1.2 God Calls Moses
2.1.3 The First Passover
2.1.4 Crossing the Red Sea
2.2.1 The Lord Provides
2.2.2 10 Commandments
2.2.3 The Golden Calf
2.2.4 The Tabernacle
2.3.1 Miriam & Aaron Challenge Moses
2.3.2 Israel Rejects the Promised Land
2.3.3 Budding of Aaron's Rod
2.3.4 Moses Strikes the Rock/Bronze Serpent
2.3.5 The Talking Donkey
2.3.6 Moses Farewell
O3 Promised Land
3.1.1 Entering Canaan
3.1.2 Battle of Jericho
3.1.3 Battle of Ai
3.1.4 Possessing Canaan
3.2.1 Deborah
3.2.2 Gideon
3.2.3 Samson
3.2.4 Ruth
O4 United Kingdom
4.1.1 Samuel
4.1.2 King Saul
4.1.3 Anointing of David
4.1.4 David and Goliath
4.1.5 God Protects David
4.1.6 David & Abigail
4.1.7 Death of Saul
4.2.1 David Celebrates
4.2.2 David & Mephibosheth
4.2.3 David Sins
4.2.4 Absalom & Psalms
4.3.1 Solomon is King
4.3.2 Wisdom of Solomon
4.3.3 Solomon Builds the Temple
4.3.4 Solomon's Decline
O5 Divided Kingdom
5.1.1 The Nation Divides
5.1.2 King Joash
5.1.3 Isaiah
5.1.4 King Josiah
5.1.5 Jeremiah & Captivity
5.2.1 Elijah Fed By Ravens
5.2.2 Elijah & Jezebel
5.2.3 Elijah & Elisha
5.2.4 Elisha & Naaman
5.2.5 Jonah & Captivity
O6 Exile
6.1.1 Judgement of Judah & Neighbours
6.1.2 Dry Bones
6.2.1 Daniel's Diet
6.2.2 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
6.2.3 Shadrach Meshach & Abednego
6.2.4 Writing on the Wall
6.2.5 Daniel & the Lion's Den
6.2.6 Daniel's Dream
O7 Restoration
7.1.1 Return & Restore
7.1.2 Esther
7.1.3 Malachi
N1 Jesus' Early Years
1.1.1 Promise of John
1.1.2 Promise of Jesus
1.1.3 Birth of Jesus
1.1.4 Shepherds Visit Jesus
1.2.1 Simeon & Anna
1.2.2 Magi Visit Jesus
1.2.3 Jesus in the Temple
N2 Jesus' Early Ministry
2.1.1 John Heralds Jesus
2.1.2 Jesus is Baptised
2.1.3 Temptation of Jesus
2.1.4 Jesus' First Miracle
2.2.1 Jesus Cleanses the Temple
2.2.2 Jesus & Nicodemus
2.2.3 Jesus & the Samaritan Woman
2.2.4 Jesus Rejected in Hometown
2.3.1 Jesus' 2nd Miracle
2.3.2 First Disciples are Called
2.3.3 Jesus Heals the Leper & Paralytic
2.3.4 Matthew, the Tax Collector
2.3.5 Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
2.3.6 Jesus Appoints Apostles
N3 Ministry to the Many
3.1.1 Beatitudes
3.1.2 Salt & Light
3.1.3 Guidelines
3.1.4 The Lord's Prayer
3.1.5 Do Not Worry or Judge
3.1.6 Good Path-Foundations
3.2.1 Centurion's Servant, Widow's Son, John's Inquiry
3.2.2 Sinful Woman Anoints Jesus
3.3.1 Parable of the Sower
3.3.2 Parable of Seeds & Weeds
3.3.3 Parable of Mustard Seed and Yeast
3.3.4 Parables About Treasure
3.4.1 Jesus Calms the Storm
3.4.2 Delivering the Demon-Possessed
3.4.3 Jarius' Daughter and Garment Heals
3.4.4 Sending Out Disciples
N4 Teaching the Few
4.1.1 Jesus Feeds 5,000
4.1.2 Jesus Walks on Water
4.1.3 Jesus, Bread of Life
4.1.4 Transfiguration
4.1.5 Parable of the Lost Sheep/ Good Shepherd
4.2.1 Parable of the Good Samaritan
4.2.2 Mary & Martha
4.2.3 Parable of the Rich Fool
4.2.4 Parable of the Wedding Seating and Great Banquet
4.2.5 Parable of the Lost Sheep-Coin-Son
4.2.6 Rich Man & Lazarus
4.2.7 Healing of the 10 Lepers
4.2.8 Parable of the Vineyard Laborers
4.3.1 Jesus Raises Lazarus
4.3.2 Jesus & Zacchaeus
Lesson Format
Example Curriculum Plan
Lesson Preparation
Lesson Plan
Old Testament Curriculum
1 Beginning of the Human and Hebrew Race
2 Exodus
3 Promised Land
4 United Kingdom
5 Divided Kingdom
6 Exile - 2023
7 Restoration - 2023
New Testament
1 Jesus' Early Years
2 Jesus' Early Ministry
3 Ministry to the Many
4 Teaching the Few
5 Last Rescue-2022
6 Holy Spirit & the Early Church - 2023
7 The Last Days - 2023
O1 Beginnings
1.1.1 Creation
1.1.2 God Creates People
1.1.3 People Sin
1.1.4 Cain and Abel
1.1.5 Noah, the Ark and the Flood
1.1.6 The Tower of Babel
1.1.7 Suffering of Job
1.2.1 Abram & Lot
1.2.2 God's Promise to Abram
1.2.3 Sodom and Gomorrah
1.2.4 Abraham and Isaac
1.2.5 Isaac & Rebekah
1.3.1 Jacob Tricks Esau and Isaac
1.3.2 Jacob's Dream
1.3.3 Laban Tricks Jacob
1.3.4 Jacob Wrestles God
1.4.1 Joseph the Brother
1.4.2 Joseph the Slave
1.4.3 Joseph the Prisoner
1.4.4 Joseph the Ruler
1.4.5 Joseph's Dream Fulfilled
O2 Exodus
2.1.1 Baby Moses
2.1.2 God Calls Moses
2.1.3 The First Passover
2.1.4 Crossing the Red Sea
2.2.1 The Lord Provides
2.2.2 10 Commandments
2.2.3 The Golden Calf
2.2.4 The Tabernacle
2.3.1 Miriam & Aaron Challenge Moses
2.3.2 Israel Rejects the Promised Land
2.3.3 Budding of Aaron's Rod
2.3.4 Moses Strikes the Rock/Bronze Serpent
2.3.5 The Talking Donkey
2.3.6 Moses Farewell
O3 Promised Land
3.1.1 Entering Canaan
3.1.2 Battle of Jericho
3.1.3 Battle of Ai
3.1.4 Possessing Canaan
3.2.1 Deborah
3.2.2 Gideon
3.2.3 Samson
3.2.4 Ruth
O4 United Kingdom
4.1.1 Samuel
4.1.2 King Saul
4.1.3 Anointing of David
4.1.4 David and Goliath
4.1.5 God Protects David
4.1.6 David & Abigail
4.1.7 Death of Saul
4.2.1 David Celebrates
4.2.2 David & Mephibosheth
4.2.3 David Sins
4.2.4 Absalom & Psalms
4.3.1 Solomon is King
4.3.2 Wisdom of Solomon
4.3.3 Solomon Builds the Temple
4.3.4 Solomon's Decline
O5 Divided Kingdom
5.1.1 The Nation Divides
5.1.2 King Joash
5.1.3 Isaiah
5.1.4 King Josiah
5.1.5 Jeremiah & Captivity
5.2.1 Elijah Fed By Ravens
5.2.2 Elijah & Jezebel
5.2.3 Elijah & Elisha
5.2.4 Elisha & Naaman
5.2.5 Jonah & Captivity
O6 Exile
6.1.1 Judgement of Judah & Neighbours
6.1.2 Dry Bones
6.2.1 Daniel's Diet
6.2.2 Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
6.2.3 Shadrach Meshach & Abednego
6.2.4 Writing on the Wall
6.2.5 Daniel & the Lion's Den
6.2.6 Daniel's Dream
O7 Restoration
7.1.1 Return & Restore
7.1.2 Esther
7.1.3 Malachi
N1 Jesus' Early Years
1.1.1 Promise of John
1.1.2 Promise of Jesus
1.1.3 Birth of Jesus
1.1.4 Shepherds Visit Jesus
1.2.1 Simeon & Anna
1.2.2 Magi Visit Jesus
1.2.3 Jesus in the Temple
N2 Jesus' Early Ministry
2.1.1 John Heralds Jesus
2.1.2 Jesus is Baptised
2.1.3 Temptation of Jesus
2.1.4 Jesus' First Miracle
2.2.1 Jesus Cleanses the Temple
2.2.2 Jesus & Nicodemus
2.2.3 Jesus & the Samaritan Woman
2.2.4 Jesus Rejected in Hometown
2.3.1 Jesus' 2nd Miracle
2.3.2 First Disciples are Called
2.3.3 Jesus Heals the Leper & Paralytic
2.3.4 Matthew, the Tax Collector
2.3.5 Jesus, Lord of the Sabbath
2.3.6 Jesus Appoints Apostles
N3 Ministry to the Many
3.1.1 Beatitudes
3.1.2 Salt & Light
3.1.3 Guidelines
3.1.4 The Lord's Prayer
3.1.5 Do Not Worry or Judge
3.1.6 Good Path-Foundations
3.2.1 Centurion's Servant, Widow's Son, John's Inquiry
3.2.2 Sinful Woman Anoints Jesus
3.3.1 Parable of the Sower
3.3.2 Parable of Seeds & Weeds
3.3.3 Parable of Mustard Seed and Yeast
3.3.4 Parables About Treasure
3.4.1 Jesus Calms the Storm
3.4.2 Delivering the Demon-Possessed
3.4.3 Jarius' Daughter and Garment Heals
3.4.4 Sending Out Disciples
N4 Teaching the Few
4.1.1 Jesus Feeds 5,000
4.1.2 Jesus Walks on Water
4.1.3 Jesus, Bread of Life
4.1.4 Transfiguration
4.1.5 Parable of the Lost Sheep/ Good Shepherd
4.2.1 Parable of the Good Samaritan
4.2.2 Mary & Martha
4.2.3 Parable of the Rich Fool
4.2.4 Parable of the Wedding Seating and Great Banquet
4.2.5 Parable of the Lost Sheep-Coin-Son
4.2.6 Rich Man & Lazarus
4.2.7 Healing of the 10 Lepers
4.2.8 Parable of the Vineyard Laborers
4.3.1 Jesus Raises Lazarus
4.3.2 Jesus & Zacchaeus
Lesson Format
Example Curriculum Plan
Lesson Preparation
Lesson Plan