- During the week pray for children in your class and the lesson you are going to present. Pray also before the lesson, assign others in the church to help set up or have the setup complete in time for prayer. Finish 15 minutes before the service begins so that everyone is aware of the 'Welcome' activities before you start signing in the children.
- Read the course overview and lesson information.
- Complete the craft yourself. This will inform you if the craft is too simple or complex. It will also identify if some preparation is required before the lesson.
- Ensure all parents have completed an enrolment form with policies and procedures outlined.
- There should be a minimum of two teachers for any Kids Church to protect the children, the teachers and the church. Welcoming children and taking attendance is to be carried out by one teacher whilst the other is taking the welcome activities. For the junior class, ensure you have full sight of them going into and out of the toilet. If this is not possible, advise the other teacher that a toilet break is required.