O4 United Kingdom
Books: 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 Kings, 1 & 2 Chronicles, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
Theme: God opposes the proud, exults the humble, and promises a messianic king.
Summary: History of Israel's only Kings as one nation (Saul, David, Solomon) and their Prophets (Samuel & Nathan).
David became a theocracy King - he allowed God to rule through him.
King Solomon had a divided heart and he left behind a divided kingdom.
Theme: God opposes the proud, exults the humble, and promises a messianic king.
Summary: History of Israel's only Kings as one nation (Saul, David, Solomon) and their Prophets (Samuel & Nathan).
David became a theocracy King - he allowed God to rule through him.
King Solomon had a divided heart and he left behind a divided kingdom.
4.1 King Saul
4.2 King David
4.3 King Solomon